How to Play PUBG after Ban in India?

This one is the sad news for all the PUBG lovers that the most popular game is restricted in India. But still many of the players want to play PUBG the battle game after this ban in India. After the most asked question of 2024 “Is Playing Pubg Banned In India” all the players are searching for How to play PubG after banned in India?

After knowing this banned all the users eager to know about how they can still play PubG after the ban in India.

You can play PUBG with the help of a VPN or extensions. If you want to play PUBG without any kind of buffering and hindrance you an use the services of a VPN. Or If you want to use a free VPN then you can use the Hola Extension. Let me explain to you about the services of VPN and extension.

How to play PUBG with VPN?

PUBG banned In India

If you still want to play PUbG then you can play it with the help of a VPN. VPN is one os the best and reliable solution for all the PubG Gamers. With the help of a VPN, you can change your country IP address from other countries and access PUBG easily.

You can choose the services of the best VPN that will help you in enjoying your game. Without facing any kind of hindrance you can Play PUBG.

Easily by an application of the best VPN service provider. Login into it, Connect it from any server of any country and enjoy Pubg.

Use the services of VPN and Play Pubg after banned in India. This one is the best news that with the help of the VPN you can easily get access to the restricted contents. Get the best services of VPN and get access to the PUBG gaming mobile application.

Play PUBG with the help of Hola Mobile Application

Hola is a freemium web and mobile application that provides a form of the virtual private network. Virtual Private Network will help you to get access to the restricted content and application. Now this will help you in playing the most ban PUBG in India.

PUBG Banned

If you are going to use this then you can easily unblock any website and application. So this will help you to unblock any kind of restricted application.

The application is available in both free and paid. So if you do not want to spend amount then you can use its free plan.

If you want to invest in this application for a better result then use its paid services. The plans of the Hola are:-

  • 1 Month- $14.99/mo*
  • 1 Year- $7.69/mo*
  • 3 Year- $2.99/mo*

The services of this extension for all the users or if you want to use it free then you can use it now. Easily download this application, create your account, and get connected with any of the servers to play the banned games.

Final Verdict

With the help of a VPN and Hola Extension, you can easily get access to PUBG. The PUBG is banned in India but still, many players want to play it. So if you want to play it now then use the best VPN services and extension to play PubG. Now break your country boundaries with the help of thee mentioned solution and enjoy the PUBG game again on your mobile. So don’t be so late to get a subscription to the best VPN services to play Pubg in India.

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